Burlesque Berlin Sketchbook
One of the things I love more about Berlin is its burlesque and cabaret tradition. Although drawing more academic nude models is still fun and a great practice, I really dig the sessions with whimsical costumes, wigs, latex and feathers that challenge you to draw unusual poses and textures in a few minutes. Both as regular performances at cafes or clubs (you have to be lucky enough to have your sketchbook at hand), or as scheduled sessions for artists such as the amazing "Dr.Sketchy", Berlin offers plenty of fun options to escape the computer and make some fast drawings from life.
All the sketches are done with pencil or brushpen in 1-20 minutes (watercolor accents are finished and cleaned up at the studio, see below for materials).Venue, session and performers credited in each caption.

Dr. Sketchy "The end of the world" session.With Evilyn Frantic and Valentina Demonia, at White Trash Fast Food.

Dr Sketchy "The Submissive" session. With Lady Velvet steel and her slaves, at Ballhaus Chausseestrasse.

Right : Dr. Sketchy "Animals are people too" session. With Luminous Pariah and Miss Natasha Enquist, at White Trash Fast Food (old)
Left : Bondage and fetish session at Illustrative Festival - DirektorenHaus Berlin.

Life Burlesque Drawing sessions at EsdipBerlin art space. Model: Evilyn Frantic.

Dr. Sketchy "The Little Red Riding Hood" session. With Betty Dynamite and Bana Banana, at Kookaburra comedy club.

Right : Dr.Sketchy "The Indian Tomb" session.With Valentina Demonia and Saralynn Van Doll, at Ballhaus Berlin
Left : Dr. Sketchy "Never judge a book by its cover" session. With Raven and Lady Lou.

Dr Sketchy "The Submissive" session. With Lady Velvet steel and slaves, at Ballhaus Berlin

Dr Sketchy "The Submissive" session. Lady Velvet steel and slaves, at Ballhaus Berlin

Sometimes you can be dragged to stage and get some goodies (It's a bottle of liquor, not my phone what I am looking at...).
Photo by Nina Zimmerman.
My go-to sketch supplies:
-Pentel GFKP Brushpen, TOUCH alcohol markers (grey set), 2 mm lead holder and lead sharpener,Pentel Waterbrush, Windsor and Newton mini watercolor set, Sketchbook by Boesner Berlin, Stillman and Birn watercolor pad, translucent sketch paper 12 x12 Inches from LeMaxi. Drawings I like better are collected together using Adobe Photoshop.

Thanks for checking the project and following!